Near Media All-Access Exclusive: Friday Office Hours with David Mihm

David will run through Near Media's latest local search behavior research exclusively for All-Access subscribers. This session will NOT be recorded or made publicly available -- "must be present to win!"

Near Media All-Access Exclusive: Friday Office Hours with David Mihm

GSC, GBP Insights, and GA all help you understand how consumers interact with your site and business profiles. But they don’t share how or why consumers choose your business – or your competition – on Google in the first place.

Join us for our upcoming office hours, Friday March 14 at 10am PT*

David will share the ins-and-outs of European search behavior across the hotel, restaurant, and home services verticals with data from over 700 searchers and close to 2000 SERP interactions. Zero-click, ad engagement, how consumers use reviews, the GBP attributes they prize most, and much, much more.

David will also give an update on the latest Digital Markets Act developments, particularly as they relate to self-preferencing–a law whose rigorous enforcement may spur the largest shake-up in Google’s approach to local search in over a decade.

Mike and Greg will also be available for questions and a lively conversation.

We hope to see you there. 

*EU subscribers: 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET.