300 Million Queries, Old Google, Cyber Week, Location Data Is Like Ground Beef

What 300M Queries Tell Us About Search
Rand Fiskin has published a massive new study of more than 300 million Google search queries (Datos data). The study excluded app-based searches and those on "specialized Google platforms," such as Shopping or Maps. There's a lot there, so take a look; we'll highlight the main findings. On average users conduct just over 120 searches per month or roughly 4 searches per day. The "head" is very "fat": just under 150 search terms made up roughly 15% of all queries in this 21 month study. Most of these terms are navigational (or branded). Fishkin's data argue that 53% of queries are informational (less than others have argued), 32% are navigational (e.g., "YouTube"), 14.5% are commercial and a tiny 0.7% are transactional. The top 10 topics by search volume (in order) are Arts & Entertainment, Computers/Technology, Ecommerce/Shopping, Games, Science/Education, Sports, Finance, Social Media, Hobbies/Leisure and Adult. (Fiskin points out that 37% of Google searches have low commercial value.) Branded search terms comprise 44% of total volume, with "generic" keywords making up 56%. He adds that zero-click answers (including AIOs) dominate "5 of the 9 biggest categories of query demand." Finally Fiskin advises: target audiences (off Google) rather than "millions of query permutations" on Google.

Our take:
- There's a lot of great data here but generally few surprises, except maybe the concentration of queries and the ranking of query categories.
- The big takeaway is: you need to build a brand off Google so that people will search for you directly. Since the DOJ and click revelations, people have been discussing this. It's harder in local, though not impossible.
- The implied customer journey discussion is instructive as well. Google isn't the beginning of the customer journey, it's more in the messy middle.