Ep 142: SGE NOT the Future?, GBP End Days? Google Chooses Sizzle over Steak
SGE has huge impacts but is still likely to continue as just a testing ground for AI search, As GBP nukes features, what is the future of the GBP dashboard as a hub for SMBs? Should a distracted Google be focusing on the basics to protect their franchise?

Part 1 starts 00:13 - SGE has huge impacts but is still just a testing ground for AI search features
Some industries, like healthcare, are impacted by Google’s SGE (search generative experience) than others with 76% of queries analyzed being impacted by SGE. While other industries show lesser impact, it is still significant. But SGE is still just a test and one that impacts those likely to enroll in these sorts of experiments, like SEO pros. While many SEOs fear that SGE IS the future of search, it is more likely a testing ground as Google figures out exactly how AI will be integrated into search. Businesses need to be aware of what is going on with SGE but not change any behaviors or tactics.
Segment Reference Articles
How Significantly Google’s New AI-Powered Search Engine Will Impact Their Business
Ross Hudgens (Twitter) on the continuing role of SGE at Google
Part 2 starts 11:03 - What is the future of the GBP as a hub of SMB activity?
Historically, the GBP (Google Business Profile) dashboard has been the center of active development of tools to benefit local businesses of all sizes. The plans were always ambitious and new products were frequent. However since the rollout the NMX interface integrating basic functionality into the search and maps interfaces, we have seen more features disappear or be demoted and very few features being newly developed. What does this say about the role of the GBP within Maps specifically and search more broadly?
Segment Reference Articles: Where is the GBP Heading?
Part 3 starts 20:08 - Google, distracted by numerous tangential projects, should be focusing on the basics to protect their franchise
Given the belt tightening going on in Mt View and with the generally perceived decline in overall search quality, Google seems to be working around the edges of search with products that are newsworthy but not core to the search experience. They should instead be initiating an all hands on deck effort focusing on making their meat and potato Search Engine the best that it can be.
Segment Reference Articles: