Ep 126: (from the vault) Do searchers use Local Finder?, How many links does a local website need? Google's BS around content

We're taking the week off, but here's an episode (#126) from the "vault" that we think you'll enjoy!
Part 1 starts 00:13 - Do Google searchers enter the Local Finder?
Local SEOs wonder whether searchers actually enter the Local Finder from the Pack results. We often think no but our research indicates that not only do searchers enter the Local Finder on a regular basis, they also scroll deep and often pick a business not in the top three.

Part 2 starts 07:10 - How many links does a local website need to compete in Local Search?
Local link building is hard but NearMedia research indicates that even in competitive markets in competitive categories it only takes several great local links to compete.
Part 3 starts 17:00 - Google's BS around creating great content
Google has created a world where focusing on search optimizations has rewarded businesses who have invested in SEO. Yet they consistently lecture users about the need for user centric content. The reality is that there is a great deal of hypocrisy on the part of Google in these matters. How should they deal with this reality?