Ep 159: Rand Fishkin interview: The importance of the the Google Search Leak

Rand Fishkin helps us explore the implications of the Google Web Search leak, how it impacts our understanding of how the search ranking aglo actually works & some thoughts on new tactics to explore

Ep 159: Rand Fishkin interview: The importance of the the Google Search Leak

This week we interviewed Rand Fishkin of SparkToro on the details and importance of the Google Search API leak. In discussing the “biggest leak of the last 25 years” we look at 

  • How it provides SEO practitioners with menu of possible experiments to explore
  • The role of Chrome as a source for click through data and what it means for link builders
  • How this click through data seems to be one of the most important ranking factors
  • Why links on low performing pages have absolutely no value and thus why many citations no longer do either
  • Whether Ad clicks might in fact influence rank
  • How should we think about “web references” aka mentions vs Links 

Segment Reference Articles:

Aleyda’s spreadsheet of all of the best related articles and tools

An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them

Mike Kings: Secrets from the Algorithm

Explore connections between the variables/features/modules in the leak

Search leak quick search link